Jun 4, 2019 | Industry News, Uncategorized
Reality – If you’re four months out from a show, that means you have 120 days until game time. (Even less if you count some favorite summer holidays and that family beach trip.) While the show may feel as though it’s in the distant future, there are several...
Apr 23, 2019 | Industry News
Anyone else might hear the phrase ‘corporate interiors’ and roll their eyes, sloughing it off as ‘just another something we need to do.’ Here at Studio Displays, we hear ‘corporate interiors’, and we think – gamechanger. Innovative interior solutions are...
Apr 18, 2019 | Industry News, People, Uncategorized
Marketing 101 says this: You can invest as much money as you want in something, but if it isn’t optimized and conceptualized, and if it doesn’t answer a question or a strategy, it won’t serve its purpose. Here are our five essential steps to make sure your booth is...
Feb 13, 2019 | Industry News, Uncategorized
Managing a Portable Trade Show Program (PTSP) can be daunting and time consuming; it’s also a drain on personnel and resources. There’s a solution – preparation. In preparation for a show there is a laundry list of must-dos: registration; booking travel and...
Jun 1, 2018 | Thought Leadership
When it comes to creating your trade show exhibit vision, you want to have the best of the best, right? Well, we all know that that approach can sometimes drive up the cost. We want you to be able to build and create a vision in a way that won’t break the bank and...
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